
Gloria Bangiola is a professional singer, actor, and teacher based in Brooklyn. She recently debuted A LITTLE BROAD, which Cabaret Scenes called “smart Cabaret”.

Gloria made her feature film debut in the dark comedy Glue Trap, which premiered at Dances with Films this June. On stage, Gloria has portrayed, Portia and the Soothsayer in Julius Caesar, Gwen in Planned Obsolescence, and The Waitress in Make Her Happen.

Gloria is a founding member of The New York Philharmonic Chorus and a proud member of AEA and AGMA. She began her career in New York at The Conservatory of Music at Brooklyn College (MM ’18) where she played President Wintergreen in Brooklyn Baby, based on Gershwin’s review, Let ‘Em Eat Cake.

She has written, produced, and performed two full-length albums, Past the Willow and the Well and Fool’s Gold, both available on Spotify and Bandcamp.

Gloria teaches private acting and voice to students of all ages. She has 9 years of professional teaching experience in a variety of arenas, from the Bronx public schools to The Washington Heights Choir School, where she was the artistic director for three and a half years.